There’s also a serious Radroach problem with 1,319,415,819 infestations. With 27,706,064 Nuka-Cola Bottler Rooms, it’s safe to say that there’s a serious addiction within the game’s community. The rest of the stats are super specific to Fallout Shelter, but they also provide an insight into the kind of things that players have been doing. That’s more time than any one human can put into a single game if they play it every day of their life. With those Vaults, 1.2 billion hours of game time have been played. You create a Vault with each new playthrough, and given how often I failed, I imagine that at least half of these were also total failures.

Moving swiftly on, just under 2 million Vaults were created in the game. That means that the population of Fallout Shelter is now larger than everyone in Asia. More people than there are in one continent on Earth were born in a game. Just under 1.5 billion babies have been born in Fallout Shelter over the last five years, more than the entire population of the continent of Asia. That’s an astounding number of people, showing just how prevalent this game is. That’s just over the entire population of Bangladesh, but just under Nigeria, and it’s also the total number of people across Europe who went into lockdown for the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. So, the game has a total of 170 million users. Over the course of those five years the game has built up quite a large player base, and there are some truly ridiculous stats that have been built up over the course of that time. Last week Fallout Shelter celebrated its fifth anniversary.